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Creating Meditation Gardens with Artificial Plants

Creating a meditation garden with artificial plants is easy. Looking for a simple way to relax in your backyard? Consider a meditation garden. This space should be a calming oasis where you can escape your worries and reconnect with the present moment. By creating a meditation garden with artificial plants, you can add a wide range of features to make the space fit your needs and personality. You’ll also reduce your garden’s upkeep needs. Instead of worrying about maintaining it, you’ll be able to truly enjoy it. Keep reading to learn more about creating a meditation garden with artificial plants. Our team at Watersavers Turf will be happy to supply everything you need for this project.

Meditation Garden Styles Using Artificial Plants

There are many meditation garden styles using artificial plants. For instance, you can create a green wall with our faux boxwood panels. Some people like their gardens to be free and open.  Again, this space should make you relax. That means there’s no “wrong” way to design it. As long as it fills you with a sense of peace, it’s perfect. You might want to add water features to your garden. Someone else might include religious statues in their plans.

The best way to start forming your ideas is to look at examples of other meditation gardens. Search online for images of the following popular styles:

  • Japanese: The surface of a Japanese-style garden should be soft. Sand is a popular choice. These gardens tend to be sparse, with very few extra features to distract the eye.
  • English: If you’ve ever watched a movie or TV show that takes place at an old Victorian manor, odds are good you’ve seen an example of this style. English gardens tend to be walled-in for privacy. You can achieve this effect on a budget with artificial plants like our boxwood panels or our other artificial plants (e.g., ivy panels, etc.).
  • Chinese: Decorative features are abundant in the Chinese style. They can include smooth stones arranged in small piles, religious statues, and water features.
  • Australian: Australians are often exposed to the harsh, hot rays of the sun. That’s why their gardens tend to be defined by nearby trees that tower over the space, offering shade.

Make a list of items you’ll need as you plan the project. For a walled-in space, you’ll want boxwood panels. For a Japanese-style garden, you’ll need sand. Keeping track of all the items you may include helps you make plans that fit your budget.

Meditation Garden Features

You need to account for certain basic factors during the early planning phase of the project. Measure how much space can use on your property, so you don’t end up making plans that require more space than you need work with. It’s a good idea to draw up some “blueprints” as you develop your ideas. During this stage, keep these factors in mind:

  • Terrain: The ideal space should be flat and even. You may need to make some landscaping changes if your lawn is sloped.
  • Natural Features: It’s possible there are already natural elements on your lawn you may want to include in your garden. Maybe you have a small pond or stream on your property. You could surround it with some of our ivy panels to create the perfect calming space. If you want shade, look for the tallest trees on your lawn, and plan to install the garden near them.
  • Views: Some people prefer to gaze out at a certain view as they relax and unwind. They find it helps reduce stress more quickly. For instance, maybe there’s one spot on your lawn where the view of a sunset is always gorgeous. You could frame that view between the gaps in your ivy panels.
  • Structures: Do you have a pergola or gazebo on your lawn? You might enjoy having these structures within their gardens. Decide if you want to include this type of structure, or if you’d prefer to keep the space empty.
  • Sounds: This space should be as quiet as possible. Spend some time in the area where you plan to install it. Take note of how loud it can get during the day. You may need to install ivy panels or other buffers to block out the sound.

Taking stock of these factors early prevents you from running into problems later. You don’t want to finish your garden, only to find out that it gets very loud in that area at certain times of the day.

Meditation Garden Surfaces: Synthetic Grass, Sand, & More

Choosing the right surface for your garden is crucial. Your current lawn surface isn’t always going to be ideal for this project. Keep these points in mind as you sort through your options:

  • Upkeep: It’s hard to relax in a space that you need to constantly maintain. You may want to install a surface like synthetic grass. Because you don’t need to mow or water it, you don’t need to worry about keeping it in good shape throughout the year. Learn more about installing artificial grass on our Homeowners page.
  • Comfort: The surface should be soft enough to induce a sense of calm, but sturdy enough to provide support. You’re going to be sitting on it for long periods of time when you meditate. Make sure it strikes the right balance between support and comfort. You can achieve this goal with our soft synthetic grass products. Adding our lawn pads underneath also adds extra comfort. Natural options like native grass or button grass can also work if you don’t mind staying on top of upkeep.
  • Pests: Some lawn surfaces attract pests. You don’t want that kind of surface in a meditation garden. This is a space where you can commune with nature. Spraying insecticides and other chemicals defeats the purpose. That’s another reason to choose a non-toxic option like synthetic grass. It doesn’t attract insects because it’s not a food source. Thus, you don’t need to constantly spray it with chemicals.

Take your time with this decision. It’s perhaps the most important part of your plans.

Vertical Gardens for Meditation

Don’t start working on your space until you decide whether or not you want a vertical garden. You may want to use trees and structures to enclose it. Again, a vertical garden can block out noises that might distract you when you’re trying to relax. On top of that, some people like to meditate in private. That’s hard to do when you’re sitting out on the lawn with nothing to prevent neighbors from watching. That’s why many people prefer vertical gardens.

Don’t worry if there aren’t any structures or trees on your property to surround your meditation space. You can easily wall your garden in with our products.

Green Walls for Meditation

Did you know that spending time in green spaces calms the mind? Studies confirm it. That’s why it’s a good idea to include green walls and similar features in your plans. Other studies on this subject confirm that just looking at pictures of nature is enough to help a person relax. That means your green walls don’t even need to be made with real plants. Artificial green walls can work just as well as the real thing.

This is the perfect solution for someone who wants a walled-in space. You can choose the exact dimensions of your garden, then simply install artificial boxwood panels around it. They don’t require the upkeep that real plants need, but they do offer the same calming effects.

Keep this in mind if you’re not sure whether you want to install a garden that’s walled-in. You can start with an open garden with no buffers between your meditation space and the rest of the lawn. See how you feel about that style for a few days or weeks. If you decide you do want to enclose the space, you can simply install walls around it later.

This is also useful if you don’t have any natural features on your lawn to serve as buffers. Not every lawn has enough trees or bushes to wall in a garden. With the right products, this isn’t a problem.

Mindfulness Gardens—How to Make Your Own

You don’t need to go off on a retreat to find a calming mindfulness garden. With some planning, you can install one in your yard. A mindfulness garden doesn’t need to involve a lot of upkeep, either. Synthetic plants are budget-friendly, and they don’t require maintenance like natural grass or ivy walls do. Ready to get started on your mindfulness garden?

Watersavers Turf will help you with your mindfulness garden. We carry faux ivy and boxwood panels in addition to faux grass. Stop by one of our SF Bay Area locations to see these options in person.

Don’t worry if you can’t seem to decide which is best for your project. We offer free large 1’ x 1’ turf samples so that you can test multiple styles. We’ll even ship them to any spot in the Continental United States if you can’t make it to us.

Call us at 844-974-8873 for more info, or chat with us online. Be sure to read our blogs and newsletters for more faux grass project ideas!