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How Artificial Grass Saves You Money

October 27, 2017

If you want to save money on lawn care, make the switch to artificial grass. Maintaining a grass lawn gets costly over the years. You have to water it, mow it, fertilize it, and reseed it. That’s just to keep it healthy. Artificial grass is different. It requires very little upkeep, helping property owners reduce bills. This makes artificial grass an ideal option not only for homeowners but for anyone looking to install a budget-friendly lawn surface. At Watersavers Turf, we’re happy to discuss the cost benefits of this type of lawn.

It’s worth noting that some towns and cities offer rebates to people who replace their lawns with these products. Local leaders want people to reduce their water usage. That’s why they reward people who replace their grass lawns. Before you install your new turf, look into whether or not your town offers any rebates.

Synthetic Turf Savings Information

Our Annual Cost Savings chart provides a clear picture of how much you can expect to save in the long run by switching to synthetic turf. Upkeep for 1000 square feet of traditional sod can cost about $2,360 over the course of a year. For synthetic turf, it’s only $200. After five years, a synthetic turf lawn will have saved you about $7,800. After 15 years, you will have saved around $29,400.

This is due to the many various costs involved in caring for a sod lawn. You need to water it often to keep it healthy. This leads to high utility bills. You have to invest in equipment to mow, rake, and maintain it. If there are bare spots, you need to apply extra seed. For business owners, costs may be even greater if they choose to hire a full-time lawn care staff.

Saving Money with a Fake Grass Lawn

Most homeowners have an idea of how their dream lawn should look. Sadly, it’s not easy to realize those visions. You need to hire a landscaping company to successfully transform your yard. This isn’t in the budget for many people. That’s one more reason why fake grass is a smarter option. Fake grass allows you to install a lawn that matches your exact plans. You don’t need to hire an outside crew to keep it that way, either. Even if you manage to achieve your landscape design goals with a grass lawn, you’ll have to schedule constant maintenance work to preserve it. A fake grass lawn always looks as it did when you first installed it.

This gives homeowners the option to bring their dream yards to life. Want a calming backyard oasis? A fun play area for the kids? A bright, green space to entertain guests? In the past, it may have been too costly to realize your plans. That’s no longer the case.

Money isn’t the only thing you save by going this route. You also have to account for how much time you’ll save. Keeping a real lawn in good shape requires a lot of effort. Some people barely even have time to enjoy their lawns once all the work is done. This defeats the purpose of maintaining one in the first place. You’ll get much more out of your lawn when you don’t have to waste hours each week tending to it.

How Schools Save Money with Artificial Turf

Artificial turf is a great option for school districts looking to keep their sports programs. Budget-strapped districts often struggle to offer these programs to students. That’s because sports field upkeep is very costly. Like any lawn, a football field must be mowed, watered, and seeded. Artificial turf doesn’t require that type of care. These fields also take a lot of damage over the course of gameplay. Schools must repair them to keep players safe. If a field isn’t flat and even, they’re more likely to fall and suffer injuries. Artificial turf is designed to take a beating. It stays in great shape even after an intense game.

That’s why many schools make the switch. When they replace their grass fields, they cut a major expense out of the budget. This allows them to keep sports programs running.

Why a Faux Lawn Boosts a Home’s Value

A faux lawn doesn’t just help you save money. It could also boost the value of your home. When people look to buy a house, curb appeal is a major factor. An unhealthy yard tends to make buyers devalue a home. With a faux lawn, yours will always look bright and green. You’ll increase the value of your home without having to spend money to preserve its curb appeal. In this way, a faux lawn makes for a smart investment.

Buyers also seek out homes that won’t be costly to maintain. They’ll be eager to purchase a house with a yard that won’t saddle them with major lawn care expenses. If you plan on selling your house in the future, you have yet another reason to replace your current lawn.

Reduce Commercial Lawn Care Costs with Plastic Grass

Business owners also rely on curb appeal to attract guests. Plastic grass allows them to maintain gorgeous yards without spending much on upkeep. People tend to judge businesses with unsightly lawns. An unhealthy yard can cost a business owner a lot of money if guests react negatively to it. The problem is, keeping a grass lawn healthy is also costly. Switching to plastic grass helps them retain and attract customers without having to budget for lawn care. With plastic grass, a business owner can instead use those funds to grow their company.

Want to learn more about making the switch? We at Watersavers Turf will gladly answer any questions you have. Call us toll-free at 844-974-8873, or visit us online for a free estimate.

Need someone who can install your new lawn? We’ll refer you to a contractor in your area. If you are a contractor, attend one of our free classes.  We’ll teach you all you need to know about how to install our products.

To find the right turf for your project, stop by one of our SF Bay Area locations. We offer free 1’ x 1’ samples to help you find the best product for your goals. Every step of the way, we’re here to help.

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