At Watersavers Turf, a leading supplier of artificial turf, we like to share timely topics that relate to our products. Whether artificial grass can lower your pet’s leptospirosis risk is one of those topics. Very heavy rains have pounded the region causing pools of standing water. This is where the rare bacteria strain, often called lepto, has now found its way into our area. Lepto can cause serious health harm to pets. Artificial grass can lower your pet’s leptospirosis risk because it drains quickly. There are no water puddles to worry about. Since lepto can be passed to humans, artificial grass not only lowers your pet’s leptospirosis risk but also lowers your risk.
Lepto can be an issue for humans if they have an open cut and come into contact with an infected dog or water puddle. Recently, some local dogs have even died after being exposed to lepto. It was most likely by drinking from the puddles that have formed all over the area. Even if you do not own a dog, you may want to learn more about our synthetic lawn products.
The way that lawn replacement with synthetic turf reduces risks and makes your life easier is by allowing standing water to drain away from its surface. The result is no pools of water for wild animals to infect and dogs to drink. Lepto might be found in puddles in your yard that have been infected by the urine of wild animals. Real grass lawns can also form bald spots and potholes where rain will collect. When you do lawn replacement with synthetic turf, rain won’t collect and become a danger when your pet is outdoors. There are other benefits when you do lawn replacement with synthetic turf.
Even with the recent heavy rains, saving water is a constant concern for all who live in The Golden State. Switching out your real lawn to fake grass is known to be a major water saver. It is also a major time and work saver. When you replace your lawn with fake grass, all your lawn chores go away. No more mowing, reseeding or fertilizing. The only care that our turf needs is to rake/broom if from time to time. Plus, you will never to have the cost replacing an entire lawn that’s been damaged by extreme weather.
Is your dog a lawn digger? You can also put an end to that problem with fake grass. It does not have the scent of real grass, which is what causes dogs to dig up lawns. Dogs also cannot stain or harm our turf when they “do their duty” on it.
The outbreak of leptospirosis may have some people asking what else can artificial turf do for me? Local vets have been busy warning dog owners to avoid the areas with standing water in local parks. They also are letting people know that lepto can be spread through dog urine. While the use of artificial turf can reduce the risk for lepto, dog owners need to be aware of its common symptoms. These include appetite loss, vomiting, and diarrhea. Luckily, vets have a vaccine available for dogs. If you feel that your dog is even slightly at risk, it makes sense to get a vaccine that could very well save its life.
What else should you know about using our artificial turf products? The record rainfall has had a far-reaching impact on the San Francisco Bay area on both people and their pets. Heavy rains have also caused local damage, affecting lawns, gardens, and trees. This may be causing many people to think about using artificial turf for the first time.
Naturally, making the switch from a live lawn to faux grass is going to lead to questions about this product. You can get answers to these questions and more from the pros at Watersavers Turf. Is it safe for kids and pets to play on? Yes, it is because all our products are lead-free and non-toxic. What about its use on school athletic fields – can it reduce the risk of injury to students? Yes, it can when you combine it with our turf padding. Will having faux grass increase the value of your property? We think it will! View our gallery to get some ideas.
No one ever wants to lose a pet to the lepto bacteria or for any other reason – and maybe the use of faux turf can help to prevent this. Manmade grass products have come a long way in the years since they first appeared. Today’s products allow you to love your pets and love your yard. You can say so long to yard work that takes up all your free time with faux turf – and our high-quality products look great in your yard!
So, whether you want to add a dog run to your yard … add a safe and sturdy play area for the kids … or want to make your entire yard more inviting and carefree, Watersavers Turf has you covered.
Learn more about our 18-year residential warranty (10-year commercial) on our website. We are the only artificial grass dealer in Northern CA to offer this home warranty. You can learn more about our non-toxic and lead-free products here. We also invite you to get a free estimate on your project. If you have more questions, just call us at 844-874-8873 to get answers. To get our large 1’ X 1’ samples, visit one of our seven SF Bay area locations. If you are a contractor, we ship them to you for free!
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